How To Cycle Count - mobe3 iOS Training Guide

How To Cycle Count - mobe3 iOS Training Guide

This training guide will focus on the process steps to conduct a physical cycle count. 
The count can be generated daily or as needed. 

Here are the initial steps to set up the count. 


1. Sign on in the iOS device 

2. Once signed in, please navigate to the Inventory module

3. Select Counts 

4. Select Count Admin

5. Select NEW COUNT

6. Enter Count Date and Description 
(Restrict by Specific Locations allows the user to count inventory by location)


9. Select Edit Locations to identify the bin you would like to count 

10.  Add the locations you would like to count and then select ADD LOCATIONS TO COUNT

(Once you have added your locations, they will appear under LOCATION RESTRICTIONS as seen above.)

10. Select the "back arrow" to return to the COUNT ADMIN screen

11. Select the ITEMS tab to see all items within the location that require a count

12. Toggle back to the General Tab and select Freeze Count 

13. A message will appear to confirm if you would like to Freeze the count - select YES

(This will freeze the inventory at a point in time. The following message will appear in the header.)

14. Select Enable Count Entry (You should see a "Counting enabled" message pop up in the header.)

15. Assign the count to a user or group and select SAVE

16. The count will now show in progress 


1 Return to the Count Menu (Inventory Module > Counts), select Enter Counts and select the cycle count you will be counting

2. It will bring you to a blank Enter Count Screen – Select GET NEXT 
(It will bring you to the first item in the group to count.)

3. Enter the count for the item and select ADD COUNT 
(You will find confirmation in the header, informing you the count has been successfully added.)

4. Select GET NEXT to proceed to the next item on the list
(As the location is being counted, progress can be seen on the COUNT ADMIN screen. )

5. When the count is complete you will get the following message – select OK to proceed


1. Return to the Count Admin screen (Inventory Module > Counts > Count Admin) - select the count

2. Select the ITEMS tab to review all counts and the variances

3. Select an item with a variance to review

4. Slide the line to the left to either Recount or Delete Line from the count

5. Items to be recounted will immediately show up for the assigned user to re-count.  Select the item and recount

6. Enter the count amount and select ADD COUNT
(Repeat this process for all re-counts until complete.)


1. In COUNT ADMIN select the three-dot menu in the upper right corner

2. Select COMPLETE

3. Select POST COUNT
(When you select POST COUNT, the user will have the opportunity to review them one more time before confirming the posting)

4. Select SHOW COUNTS 
(This review will display variances)

5. When the final review is complete, hit the back arrow, then confirm posting the count by selecting YES

6. When COUNT POSTED appears click OK to complete the process.

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