Adding Reference Codes in mobe3 Web
1. Log into mobe3 Web.
2. Navigate to Admin -> Reference Codes.
3. In the top-left, click the Create New tab.
4. To create a single Reference Code, click the Create button.
(Go to the bottom of the current instructions to see info on creating Reference Codes via bulk import - for advanced users.)
In the popup window, enter the Reference Code, a short Description,
make sure the Enabled box is checked, then click the Save button.
6. You can now use this Reference Code within mobe3!
Create Reference Codes via Bulk Import (for advanced users)
(Note: EVS recommends performing these functions in your mobe3 test environment first.)
1. Follow the steps above, but in step 4, click the Import button.
2. In the pop-up, click the Generate CSV Template button. A CSV file will be downloaded to your computer.
3. Locate the CSV file that was downloaded and open it.
4. In the CSV file, enter the following information starting in row 2 (leave the headers in row 1):
a. mobe3 Company Name Abbreviation (this can be found on your mobe3 web login screen)
b. Reference Code
c. Description
d. Under Enabled, enter "1" (this will set the Reference Code to Enabled)
5. Continuing adding additional Reference Codes, if necessary. When finished, save the file.
6. Return to the Import Reference Codes Utility pop-up window and click the Open CSV File button.
(You may need to log back in if your session has timed out.)
7. In the window that opens, locate and select the CSV file.
8. Verify the correct file name is listed on the Import Reference Code Utility pop-up window, then click the Import button.
(Do not navigate away from this screen while the import process is running.)
9. When finished, a results file will download which will show either a successful import or errors, if any.
If the import was successful, your screen will refresh and the new
codes will be displayed. You can now use these Reference Codes within